Monday 30 January 2012

Using Light Tackle on the Reefs

Fox Sport Fishing Diablo spinning reels have amazed me in the last 2 years that I have been using them. Randy Soth, Peter Aiello and Curtis released at least 60 Grouper along with another 50 assorted reef fish all using these amazing reels. In 2 years I have not had to replace or rebuild a drag or had to replace a handle or replace stripped gears or anything, period. I have been guiding over 40 years and in the past I spent a lot of evenings rebuilding spinning reels that had failed in one way or another. I really have to stress that the Fox Diablo spinning reels are the best I have ever used.

We fished on five or so spots on this day. We chummed with crushed Lobster heads. No fish can resist this brew. Fox Bonefish Trek and Fox Rage Ultralight rods were what we used with the Diablo 350 spinning reels. Light tackle fun like this is what brings my customers back trip after trip.

Pictured are some of the highlights of the day.

Curtis with a beautiful Black Grouper

Curtis with a Rainbow Wrasse

Fox Diablo spinning reels hold up day after day
and month after month. Gag Grouper pictured

Fox Rage Ultralight 185 rod and
Diablo 350 spinning reel is a Super Tough outfit

over 60 Grouper were released using the
Diablo 350 spinning reels

Pete using the Rage UltralightDiablo combo thinks he is
going to catch the big shark he  is fighting

Peter Aiello with a Black Grouper

Randy Soth (r) caught this fat Red Grouper
on a Bonefish TrekDiablo 350 combo

Randy Soth with a Gag Grouper before release

the Rage Ultralight 185 takes pressure like this day after day.
What an incredible fishing rod!

Toothy Cero Mackerel

Even though the Grouper have to be released because of a 4 month season closure they can be caught and released to battle another day. Because of this we are seeing big numbers of grouper returning to our reefs.

At the end of the day we kept Yellowtail and Mangrove Snapper for a fish fry and some Cero Mackerel to be made into a tasty fish salad.

Captain Skip Nielsen

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