Friday 6 January 2012

New Year's Eve

Fishing on the last day of the year was good luck for young Ben Cohen. He and his dad, Gerald, spent a beautiful sunny day fishing offshore with me. We were hoping for a Sailfish and we were not to be dissapointed. We had just anchored the boat and I was dicing up some bait and Gerald hollers" look behind the boat". It was a lit-up Sailfish looking for lunch. I quickly grabbed a Permit Trek rod fitted with a Diablo 550 spinning reel and hooked on a live ballyhoo for bait. A short cast and immediately the Sailfish inhaled the bait, head and shoulders out of the water on the bite, Ben was totally excited, as was I, but stayed in control. He closed the bail, reeled up the slack and did a great job of hooking the estimated  60 lb Sail.

Ben Cohen catching his first Sailfish
Ben Cohen used Fox sport fishing
tackle to catch his first ever Sailfish

After throwing the anchor buoy and giving chase and asking another boat to reverse as not to run the line over Ben was able to get the leader to the rod tip for a release. We then played the Sail for another half hour and enjoyed some crazy tailwalking.

Ben proudly displays his Sailfish
release flag with Dad, Gerald Cohen

Ben Cohen released his first Sailfish
using a Fox spor tfishing
Permit Trek rod and Diablo 550 spinning reel

Congratulations Ben. This was our first fish of the day!

We then spent the day catching King Mackerel up to 20lbs and lots of Little Tunny.

Gerald and Ben Cohen with a King Mackerel

Ben Cohen caught some big King Macks

What a way  to end 2011.

Captain Skip Nielsen

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