Monday 9 June 2014

An Awesome 6 Days Of Fishing

Cliff and Cathy Fox, joined by Freddy DuPreez teamed up to catch and release 32 Tarpon in 6 days of fishing.

Fox Sport Fishing Diablo 750 spinning reels, EOS Trolling reels, Sailfish and Tarpon Trek travel rods were used for the catches. Timing is everything. The ocean and bayside channels had been clogged by Sargassum week blown in from the Gulfstream. It finally moderated this past week and the Tarpon went on a feeding spree.Also on a strong incoming tide near Cape Sable ,a big pulse of migrating Tarpon made for a couple fantastic days of action.

Cathy,Cliff and Freddy were fortunate enough to enjoy some of the best fishing of the season. The fishing is still holding up well near the bridge channels but the backcountry Tarpon action has slowed the last couple of days. Plenty of other species to be had back there though.

I can not say enough about the Trek travel rod series. The Tarpon Trek and Sailfish Trek rods break down into 4 pieces but can handle all kinds of abuse. And the Diablo spinning reels are bullet proof. Half a dozen guides here in Islamorada are now using the DiabloSpinning reels and all of them are amazed at the drags and the toughness of the gears and handles. 

So here are just a few pictures of the action the Fox Crew enjoyed this past 2 weeks.

Captain Skip Nielsen

Cathy Fox catches first Tarpon of the trip.
Freddy DuPreez does the release

Cathy Fox prefers conventional reels to fight her Tarpons.
Here she uses the EOS 30 reel and Tarpon Trek rod

Cathy Fox

Cathy hooks up while Cliff clears his line

Channel 2 Bridge provided plenty of Tarpon action
for the Fox Crew this past 6 days

Cliff and Freddy catching a double header of Tarpon

Cliff doing battle and Freddy piloting

Cliff Fox and Freddy DuPreez had 13 Tarpon releases on this day!

Cliff Fox gets a jump out of his first Tarpon of the trip

Cliff is using the Tarpon Trek rod and Diablo 750 on
his 2nd Tarpon of the day

Cliff using the Diablo 750 spinning reel and
4 piece Sailfish Trek rod on another jumping Tarpon

Cliff with a Tarpon missle

down and dirty

Freddy and Cliff had an incredible day out in the backcountry

Freddy doing the bridge piling dance

Freddy DuPreez tries to put the stop on an
estimated 150lb Tarpon.
biggest of the 6 days

Freddy gets a Tarpon release.
The 8 foot Sailfish Trek 4 piece travel rod is a perfect Tarpon rod

I get hi-fives from Cathy.
She did a great job on a tough Tarpon using the
EOS 30 Trolling reel and Tarpon Trek rod

major air from this Cape Sable Tarpon

on a rainy 5th day we released 6 and had 10 takes - Here,
Cathy Fox catching a Tarpon on the EOS Trolling reel and
Tarpon Trek rod

the Tarpon Freddy is fighting wove us in and out
of almost all the pilings for a nerve wracking 30 minutes

this never gets old

this Tarpon is a movie star

to the air we go

we wonder about this man but he absolutely loves his Tarpon fishing

Wild jumping

a little rain got the Tarpon biting

Action, action!

and the Tarpon gets another breath and the battle goes on

another jumper for Cliff Fox

Cliff catches the last Tarpon of the trip - 32 Tarpon releases
in 6 action packed days.
All using Fox Sport Fishing rods and reel

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