Tuesday 12 June 2012

Pollock Meets Tarpon

Fishing report Friday and Saturday June 1,2,2012

Even though we woke up to tropical downpours we still were able to get 2 halfday fishing trips in. Ty and Susie Pollock along with nephew Max and I waited until 10 am to go fishing last Friday. Finally the skies cleared and off we went to Channel 2 hoping to catch a Tarpon.

As we started a drift using live crabs for bait Susie hooked a big Tarpon in the first 5 minutes. After an hour long battle Susie released her first ever Tarpon. She used a 5 piece Tarpon Spincast rod fitted with an EOS Trolling reel for this capture. We went back to where we had hooked up and I dropped the anchor. Some Tarpon were rolling near the boat so I advised Ty to try casing his flyrod out and see if he could do any good. Luck was with us this day and Ty hooked a big Tarpon on his 2nd cast. We had to chase his fish through the bridge pilings back and forth a few times and on out into the ocean. Another hour long battle. Well done Ty. Now it was young Max on his first ever Tarpon. A great fight and and great trip.

Next morning pretty much the same weather pattern, Rain and lightening. We waited again until 1pm and got out for the afternoon. We had great luck once again and released 4 more beautiful Tarpon.

Max Ty and Susie celebrate 7 Tarpon releases in 2 fishing trips 

Max guides a Tarpon thru the pilings
Susie gets the rodbelt on while fighting a Tarpon on
the 5 piece Tarpon Spincast rod  and EOS 30 reel

congratulations Susie on your first Tarpon

Ty doing battle with his flyrod

Fly Tarpon for Ty

Ty Pollock caught this beautiful Tarpon on his Flyrod

water displacement
you can see the Fly in the Tarpons jaw

What a great fishing trip for the Pollock family.

Captain Skip Nielsen


  1. The young whipper snapper did well.

    Gary Pollock

  2. Where'd you get those mustard shorts Max?

  3. at least they didnt eat your sunglasses Ty
