Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Summerlike weather continues

Lots of options lately as the warm weather continues. First of the week we did some reef patch fishing with George Witts and Lance Schillizzi. George has been fishing with me for 38 years. Amazing how the time flies. We had a banner day releasing over 50 Grouper and assorted snappers ect. We used Bonefish Trek and Rage Ultralight rods fitted with Diablo 350 spinning reels. The boys commented that it was so much fun and challenging using light tackle. Of course a lot of the bigger Grouper got away but since it is catch and release only its all fun.. Plenty of good eating fish were put in the box also such as Hogfish, Yellowtail Snapper and Mangrove Snapper.

George Witts and Lance Schillizzi released over
50 Grouper using Fox Bonefish Trek rods fitted
with Diablo 350 spinning reels.


George puts the heat on a Grouper with the
incredible Bonefish Trek Travel rod

Bruce Beardmore and a Hogfish

Also this week in the backcountry we are enjoying a run of Pompano. These hard fighting cousins of the Permit are scrappy tough fighters. Using Fox Rage 185 Ultralight rods on them was a blast. Lots of Seatrout and Ladyfish were along with the Pompano. We had friends Marsha and Sam Ohler down from Indiana visiting and along with my wife Cyd spent the day in the backcountry backcountry birdwatching and fishing. Over 30 Pompano were released.

Marsh K and Cyd got into a hot Pompano bite

Pompano are smaller cousins of the Permit and were
great sport on the Fox Rage Ultralight 185 Diablo 350 combo

Sam and a fat Seatrout  with the
Bonefish Trek Diablo 350 combo

Another morning was spent on the flats fishing for Redfish. I had 8 year old Beck on this day and he fine tuned his casting and caught 3 Reds and a lot Seatrout and Ladyfish.

Dr. Hugh Dennis with a decent Redfish

8 year old Beck caught the
biggest Seatrout of the day

after the big catch young Beck wanted some more action

Beck caught on to a nice Redfish casting
with the Bonefish Trek Diablo 350 combo

It calmed off and I thought we might give the Tarpon a go so we anchored in a channel to give them a try. By the time I deployed the second bait Dad Dan was hooked into something very large. After an hour battle expertly using the Fox Sailfish Trek rod and Diablo 750 spinning reel loaded with 50lb test Horizon braid Dan had an estimated 300lb twelve foot long Sawfish alongside the boat. A rare catch 15 years ago but since gill netting was outlawed in Florida coastal waters this fish has made an incredible comeback.

Dan , Beck's dad, used a Diablo 750 Sailfish Trek combo to
catch and release the fish of the week. 300lbs Sawfish !

is this a hedgeclipper or what?
catching this raylike creature on a Sailfish Trek rod and
Diablo 750 spinning reel is a once
in a lifetime catch for angler Dan

carefully releasing this rare catch

We very carefully released this Sea monster after taking a few pictures. Most of the time when one of these big fish are hooked we just can't get them up. Dan did a really nice job and the Fox Tackle really held up.

Today as I am writing a strong cold front is passing through and temps were in the low 50's this morning. This will put the fish back into the winter mode for a few days.

Captain Skip Nielsen

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